
Michael Moore’s post.

With due respect to those who are asking me to comment on last night’s tragic mass shooting at UCSB in Isla Vista, CA — I no longer have anything to say about what is now part of normal American life. Everything I have to say about this, I said it 12 years ago: We are a people easily manipulated by fear which causes us to arm ourselves with a quarter BILLION guns in our homes that are often easily accessible to young people, burglars, the mentally ill and anyone who momentarily snaps. We are a nation founded in violence, grew our borders through violence, and allow men in power to use violence around the world to further our so-called American (corporate) «interests.» The gun, not the eagle, is our true national symbol. While other countries have more violent pasts (Germany, Japan), more guns per capita in their homes (Canada [mostly hunting guns]), and the kids in most other countries watch the same violent movies and play the same violent video games that our kids play, no one even comes close to killing as many of its own citizens on a daily basis as we do — and yet we don’t seem to want to ask ourselves this simple question: «Why us? What is it about US?» Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males. None of them are committed by the majority gender, women. Hmmm, why is that? Even when 90% of the American public calls for stronger gun laws, Congress refuses — and then we the people refuse to remove them from office. So the onus is on us, all of us. We won’t pass the necessary laws, but more importantly we won’t consider why this happens here all the time. When the NRA says, «Guns don’t kill people — people kill people,» they’ve got it half-right. Except I would amend it to this: «Guns don’t kill people — Americans kill people.» Enjoy the rest of your day, and rest assured this will all happen again very soon.

Fuente: Michael Moore

Okupa la calle

A link.

En Chile, las calles se transforman en espacios públicos durante la noche: Okuplaza son una serie de intervenciones urbanas efímeras coordinadas por el colectivo Ciudad Emergente en la Valparaíso …

Fuente: Okupa la calle, crea una plaza: #Okuplaza

En Chile, las calles se transforman en espacios públicos durante la noche: Okuplaza son una serie de intervenciones urbanas efímeras coordinadas por el colectivo Ciudad Emergente en la Valparaíso …

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El secreto que cambiará tu vida: Cómo beber cerveza toda la noche sin terminar ebrio

El secreto mejor guardado para beber y no curarse. Simple y fácil. Habrá que probarlo 😀

Fuente: El secreto que cambiará tu vida: Cómo beber cerveza toda la noche sin terminar ebrio

Por alguna extraña y enfermiza razón, solemos admirar a las personas que pueden beber grandes cantidades de alcohol sin terminar ebrios y haciendo el ridículo a causa del maldito vicio. ¿Quieres ser cómo ellos? Pues te tenemos un consejo infalible para lograrlo.

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Suecia. A prueba la jornada laboral de 6 horas

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