He pensado que tal, y como están las cosas, teniendo treinta y tantos años, me quedan unos 40 años de carrera profesional, y no quiero estar dedicado esos 40 años a una profesión como es esta de la informática, voy a cambiar radicalmente de profesión
Directed by Terry Gilliam. With Jonathan Pryce, Kim Greist, Robert De Niro, Katherine Helmond. A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and himself becomes an enemy of the state.
Tricky announces new album: Adrian Thaws. Following the creation of his own False Idols imprint and last year’s album of the same name, Tricky returns in the fall of 2014 with a new studio project that shares the name he was given at birth: Adrian Thaws.
A big question from the past 20 years is: where are the European Googles? Why are all the funky, creative, dynamic, innovative companies like Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook coming out of the US and not Europe? The answer you will often hear is: Europe has lots of culture, good food and fashion,…
«Successful companies already do these things and they harvest the rewards from truly investing into their people and culture.»
Justo lo que no pasa donde trabajo… creo que no me como los turrones acá…
In my 35 years of experience, I have experienced numerous different workplaces, cultures, and management philosophies. I've also talked with countless other people, at all levels within small and
Plantea que la Universidad no de becas, sino préstamos.
¿Quieren convertir a las Universidades en bancos?
Así funcionan más o menos en Chile, y las protestas, paros, manifestaciones son regulares para acabar con ello porque es una forma de lucro encubierta y una forma de capitalizar la educación (con todo lo que ello supone!).
Veo que España siguen «retrocediendo»…
La secretaria de Estado de Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades, Montserrat Gomendio, ha planteado este viernes si la Universidad debe evolucionar de un sistema de becas hacia otro de préstamos, y si la financiación universitaria debería tener un componente privado mayor.
Whilst Tricky continues to record new material, he has found the time to put together this package of 5 tracks that are from sessions over the last year or so, as well as a couple of personal favourites that you may never have heard before or that are difficult to find.